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Partial Settlement Article

11th September 2024 · 2 minute read

Published by The Real Debt Guy

  • Credit rating
  • Partial settlement
  • Credit report

Full And Final Settlement Offers. Free Advice. StepChange

Is it worth partially settling a debt?

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You may be tempted to settle a debt at a reduced amount (partial settlement); however, it is important to know how it affects your ability to obtain credit. We’re going to be straight with you, we never recommend using credit unless it’s used to make you a profit, like a mortgage can when buying a property. Other than that, no es bueno as they say in Spanish.

Is it true that after 7 years your credit is clear in UK?

Firstly, you need to understand that any negative marks, i.e., defaults, County Court Judgments (CCJs), etc., will stay on your credit file for SIX years.

Insolvencies like bankruptcy may remain for longer than six years. Whether you settle in full or partially, the mark will stay for that period.

Does partial payment affect credit score?

Having some sort of settled status may be helpful if the debt still appears on your credit file. If a creditor or lender looks at your credit file with the view to providing you with some sort of credit facility, they may consider it either half full or half empty.

Some lenders may consider the debt being settled, even if it is only a partial settlement, as positive (a glass half full) and choose to provide you credit on that basis. Other lenders may look at the debt being partially settled as a glass half empty, as the full amount was never paid back, and this could affect whether they will provide you with credit or how much.

Remember to read The Real Debt Guy's final thoughts below!

The Real Debt Guy is a qualified financial adviser and a UK debt expert. The information in this article is considered to be true and correct at the publication date.

The Real Debt Guy's final thoughts.

We never recommend throwing good money after bad unless it benefits you. So, if you're looking to partially settle a debt to improve your credit score, making it easier for you to borrow, your first question should be:

“Why do you need to borrow again?”

If it’s to buy a property, we get that. If it’s because you want to obtain another credit card to start spending again, we encourage you to change your mindset regarding borrowing.

It's important to understand that partially settling a debt does not guarantee favourable treatment from a lender. This knowledge can help you make informed decisions about your financial future.

Of course, some people simply don’t like the thought of the debt existing. Sometimes, just knowing that it's there can really affect a person mentally, and we get that. Your mental wellbeing is vital to us,

Our Mindfulness section has articles that can help you see things differently. Visit it to learn more.

Simplifying complicated matters.

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