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Dealing with debt collectors

26th July 2024 · 3 minute read

Published by The Real Debt Guy

  • Partial settlement
  • Debt Settlement
  • Settling Debt
  • Clearing Debt

Full And Final Settlement Offers. Free Advice. StepChange

What is a partial settlement - Can it help you?

You’ve received an offer to settle your debt with a creditor or debt collector. The offer looks attractive. They’ve decided to remove 70% of the debt. You read through the letter, and it states that they’re willing to accept 30% of the balance as a “Partial Settlement” and write off the remaining.

But what is a Partial Settlement?

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Let’s hit the brakes for a minute, as we have to make an important point here. Don’t even consider settling without first reading our article “Why do debt collectors offer discounts?”. This article will give you an understanding of what may be achievable in terms of a debt reduction.

Where were we now? Ah, yes...the partial settlement.

What is a Partial Settlement?

The best way to describe it is to settle a debt for less than the total amount owed on the debt.

Example: The amount owed on the debt is £10,000, and the creditor or debt collector agrees to accept £2,000 to satisfy the debt.

You have not paid the full amount, so it is not classed as a full settlement. You have only paid part of the amount, hence the term “Partial Settlement”.

How does it help you?

Now, that’s a very good question, and it depends on how old your debt is. What do we mean by that?

Well, any negative mark relating to the debt on your credit file disappears six years after it was registered.

Keeping it simple, if you had a default registered on your credit file relating to a debt over six years ago, it will no longer show up on your credit file. Meaning it’s as if it doesn't exist.

Not having it showing automatically helps your credit rating.

Even though the debt is no longer showing on your credit file, it still exists, which is why you may still receive letters regarding it.

However, in a scenario where the debt is still showing on your credit file, and you decide to do a Partial Settlement, it’s down to how the lender sees it.

Glass Half Full

Is it a glass half full? Meaning that, even though a default is on your credit file, you reached an agreement to settle at a reduced amount.

Is it a glass half empty? You settled at a reduced amount but never paid the full amount back, which might be considered a risk for a lender.

Don't forget to read The Real Debt Guy's final thoughts below!

The Real Debt Guy is a qualified financial adviser and a UK debt expert. The information in this article is considered to be true and correct at the publication date.

The Real Debt Guy's final thoughts.

We find that most people who want to settle a debt do so because the debt just existing affects them mentally and emotionally. They are also afraid of any repercussions.

A calm mind and knowing the facts are critical when making such decisions. It’s important to understand why you are choosing to do a Partial Settlement.

If your goal is to improve your credit file, you must understand that:

  1. It may not
  2. If it does, how does the improvement help you?

If your aim is to find mental relief through debt settlement, it's crucial to ensure that this action will indeed provide the relief you seek. It’s important to avoid a situation where you end up with a costly temporary relief that only serves to replace one worry with another.

Focusing on mindset will help you with this situation and many other aspects of your life.

We have an article in our Mindfulness section about Taking control of your emotions and your debt.”

The Real Debt Guy has you covered.

Simplifying complicated matters.

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