Debt first aid kit

You never want to have to use a first aid kit but if an accident occurs, you’ll be grateful it’s there.

So, what’s in the TRDG first aid kit? Anything we think you would need to treat a problem surrounding debt. This first aid kit will continue to grow as we find new items to go into it. If there is something you think we're missing, you can always get in touch and let us know!

Unsecured debt resolution options

This is the first item in the kit. Bandages come in different shapes, sizes and can serve different purposes. The one you use depends on the injury. This is the same with debt and how to handle it.

Unsecured debts include – credit cards, personal loans, overdrafts, payday loans, store cards etc. It’s important that you understand the various debt resolutions options that are available should you run into difficulty. From the Token Payment Method to Bankruptcy, we have broken down these options in its own section with no creditor or debt collector bias. Click here to go through them.

Mortgage resolution options

The second item is Mortgage Resolution Options. If not treated well, mortgage payment difficulties can leave a lasting scar. It’s ok though, we have the right medication that should treat the issue. Get yourself familiar with the articles in the section below. You may never need to use the articles yourself, but you never know when you might need to be someone else’s first aider.

Car finance resolution

The third item in our treatment box is car finance resolution, having your car repossessed is one thing, but the damage left after needs to be treated carefully. This is a tricky one to treat but we’ve got you covered. We’ve also added something extra, so you don’t come back with the same problem again. We don’t want you reopening the same wound!

Debt Collector and Bailiff toolkit

Choose the wrong treatment is this area and you will likely make the situation worse. If you ever meet debt collectors or bailiffs, you’ll be glad to have this part in your arsenal. Television has done a good job of instilling fear into people with regards to debt collectors and bailiffs. We’ve cut out the sensationalist view of these subjects and stuck to facts as always. Familiarise yourself with how to handle both parties using our articles below

Harassment and complaints checklist

We’re not about suffering in silence, nor should you be. You think you’ve been hurt but you’re not sure. We’ve got a list of symptoms that constitute harassment by financial businesses and as you would expect, tips on how to treat them. These two articles below are your go to place if you feel you’ve been mistreated by any financial businesses (banks, lenders, debt collectors, insurance companies etc).

Guarantor Loan toolkit

When you hear the term “guarantor” (related to borrowing) you need to head to this area of the kit. The article below will cover you if you’re considering becoming a guarantor for a loan. if you already are one or know someone who is, we have another article coming soon. Watch this space... seriously this is the space it will pop up so keep an eye out.

All about students

Students and parents, this section of the kit is a total must for you. If you are thinking about higher education or you’re already in higher education, you should have heard about The Student Loan Company. If you are unable to fund your tuition fees yourself, this is the company that most students go to borrow money from. Many students do not fully understand how borrowing from The Student Loan Company can affect them long term. It’s ok though, on to the treatment table and we will give you the full lowdown in the articles below.

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Like any first aid kit, items get refreshed as they expire. Our kit is no different, we will keep refreshing the information periodically to make sure the right treatment is always at hand. The main thing for you is to make sure you keep up to date with the information we provide. You can do that by joining our newsletter, joining our community or checking back here regularly. As we always say, never panic in an emergency, bookmark this page so you never lose it.

Budget planner.

Do you know how much you have left at the end of each month? Do you need to send an income and expenditure to a creditor? We've got you covered. Our budget planner provides you with a simple and free way to view and track your spending.

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